Wednesday, January 7, 2009

combat lifesaver

yesterday i gave somebody an iv for the first time!  here is the video i made:

and today we stuck tubes down up each other's noses.  that was extremely painful.  some guys got nose bleeds.  my eyes teared up

tomorrow we get certified as combat lifesavers and then we do some humvee rollover training.  then next week we're going to the field for a few days.  ah, predeployment training.  


  1. Keep those skills up when you get downrange- stick everybody that even LOOKS dehydrated! This will help immensely when it really matters. Carry the larger field dressings and even ABD pads and forget the old field dressing (if they even still use them)- bigger ones can treat small wounds but, not vice versa.
    Carry extra muslin slings.
    Excuse the unsolicited battlefield medicine advice but, I thought it might help so I couldn't control myself.

  2. That's awesome! Keep posting stuff.
