Friday, December 19, 2008

swim qual, pft, and gas chamber

ok, i'm sorry it's been a few days since i've updated this.  i haven't had access to the internet over the last few days.  so just to bring you up to date: all the 'recall marines' (there are 14 of us in each of two platoons) have been checking in all week.  we finished checking in wednesday and thursday, which was yesterday we had to go to swim qual in the morning and then run a pft in the afternoon.  then today we went to the gas chamber and then to a mandatory fun event.

swim qualification is really easy to do.  there are several levels and as you go through the qualifications it gets harder and harder, but the lowest level, which is the only one that is required, is really easy.  however, it was like 40 degrees when we did it!!  absolute torture.  we have to have our whole uniform on, too.  so we were all just freezing.  

then a few hours later we had to run a physical fitness test (pft).  i did 15 pullups, 100 crunches in 2 minutes, and ran 3 miles in 25:21.  this was the worst pft i've ever done.  by a long shot.  it's scored out of 300 points, 100 possible for each event.  100 points for 20 pullups, 100 points for 100 crunches in 2 minutes, and 100 points for an 18 minute 3 mile run.  i wasn't the worst though, we had two guys take over 35 minutes to run 3 miles and one of them couldn't do a single pullup.  they were both recall marines.

and today was the gas chamber.  we got in full mopp gear (those radiation suits you see on tv) and walked 2 miles into the woods.  then put on our gas mask and went into a little concrete building that has no windows and is full of cs gas.  then we went through the routine of making sure our masks were working and closing our eyes and taking them off and then putting them back on and clearing and resealing them.  then we left.  it's actually not bad at all if your gas mask is working.  a few people had defective masks and they started freaking out.  pretty funny to watch.  

and tonight everyone is driving to san diego to fly home because everyone in my company is taking 15 days leave to go back home.  everyone except for me, because i'm going to wait until march to take leave.  i really don't understand why everyone's leaving when we get two 4-day weekends anyway: one for christmas and one for new years.  

also, i just bought a digital camcorder so i'm going to start putting some videos and pictures on here soon!  

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